A comparison of business model templates

Below we compare the TVE business model template with four others, viz. Strategyzer’s Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder & Peigneur, 2010), Chesbrough’s business model template for open innovation (Chesbrough, 2006), Mark Johnson’s template for business model transformation (Johnson, 2018), and the ten dimensions of innovation defined by (Keeley, et al., 2013).

Here are the key differences among the templates.

The structure of value propositions in the Business Model Canvas is similar to that in the TVE template. The value network however is not represented in the BMC. The BMC includes a list of key partners without indicating when a partner is key, what the role of these partners is or what commercial exchanges take place with these partners. Key activities in the BMC are operational, whereas value activities in the TVE template are outward-facing profit-generating activities. Value activities are strategic, BMC activities are operational. Similarly, channels and customer relationships in the BMC are operational entities that implement the strategic relationships defined in the TVE template. The BMC includes fields for costs and revenue of one company. In the TVE template we include cash and other value flows in the value network to assess commercial sustainability and risk in the long run. This is quantified and can be simulated by software. The BMC includes resources that the company needs but ignores delivery technology, which operationalizes the value model and revenue model.

Chesbrough and Johnson have similar business model structures to the TVE template, but with less detail. Johnson adds a suite of important design decisions for the company itself, such as people, technology and key processes. This is part of the operating model of a company. It is out of scope of the TVE template because we focus on survivability and well-being in the ecosystem. The idea of tactics to innovate your business model comes from Keeley et al. (2013). Our business model template covers most of their 10 types of innovation. Most of their tactics, and more, can be found in our book.